Reliable Advice, Peace of Mind

Given our founding director’s 20+ years in the legal field, including a decade of experience as an in-house legal counsel/General Counsel and a member of the worldwide executive management team of a Fortune 500 multi-national entertainment company, earning the privilege of being your consigliere and working with you to help you achieve your business goals is very close to our heart.
Read on for more about your “right hand man”.


Professional Certifications and Memberships
- Advocate & Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore
- Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England & Wales (non-practicing)
- Bachelor of Laws (2nd Upper Honours), National University of Singapore
- Accredited Mediator, Singapore Mediation Centre
- Accredited Mediator, Singapore International Mediation Institute (SIMI) L1
- Member, Singapore Academy of Law (SAL)
- Member, Law Society of Singapore – Past member, Intellectual Property Committee, Copyright & Designs, and IP Enforcement Sub-Committees
- Member, Singapore Corporate Counsel Association (SCCA)
- Member, International Video Game Bar Association (VGBA)
- Founding Member, Future Law Innovation Programme (FLIP by SAL)
Volunteer Positions
- Member, Infocomm Media Development Authority’s Films Consultative Panel, 2014 to Present : IMDA’s citizen panel reflecting community standards in Singapore film and video game content classification
- Assessor, COVID-19 Panel for Temporary Relief (PACT), Ministry of Law, 2020 to 2021
- Mediator, Community Mediation Centre, Ministry of Law, from 2024
- Mentor, IMDA PIXEL, (Gaming and Business), 2019 to 2023
- Pioneer Expert-in-Residence (Legal) at IMDA’s PIXEL incubator, one-north, for game developers, content creators and tech innovators, 2017-2019
- Member, IT Advisory Panel, Singapore Red Cross, 2017 to Present.
- Honorary Legal Advisor, Commercial Games Association Singapore (past)
- Honorary Legal Advisor, International Games Developers’ Association, Singapore Chapter (past)
- As member of legal community : conference speaker, a mentor to junior lawyers (via Singapore Corporate Counsel Association) and law students (via National University of Singapore)
- Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Property Management Committee, 2002-2012
Electronic Arts Asia Pacific Pte Ltd - Vice President & Head of Legal, Asia, Middle-East & Africa – 2007-2016
- General Counsel for Asia-Pacific, Middle-East and African markets. Supported region of 1100+ people, with business that grew ~240% aspiring to $1 billion, through digital transformation from traditional packaged goods business (CD/DVD) into a >50% digital business. Extensive transactional and operational experience in business and regulatory environment for EA’s regional digital gaming businesses, especially in China and SE Asia.
- Also oversaw Asia compliance, employment, M&A, regulatory affairs, and contentious proceedings. Compliance and ethics work including regional lead for US Foreign Corrupt Practice Act (FCPA), UK Bribery Act, EA’s Code of Conduct and other policies, as well as consumer, privacy, and e-commerce issues. Led and supported investigations.
- Part of EA’s Asia regional senior management team, as well as EA’s global executive team.
- Passionate and people-driven leader who grew EA’s Asia Legal team into a highly-cohesive and respected business partner group.
Ravindran Associates – Senior Associate – 2004-2007
Intellectual property practice in a Legal 500 ranked boutique IP firm. Various aspects of IP, including litigation, contentious registry work, and licencing, branding, and other commercialization projects. Served as independent Supervising Solicitor for Anton Piller search orders.
Rajah & Tann LLP – Senior Associate – 2001-2004
Recruited to firm’s industry-leading Technology Practice Group – later known as iTec (Intellectual Property, Technology, Entertainment & Communications) – to help build team’s contentious IP/information technology capability. Managed litigation and advisory work, including setting up IP rights enforcement and training programs. Coordinated law enforcement, private investigators, and rights owners, including in operations involving up to 20 simultaneous search warrants.
Drew & Napier LLC – Pupil & Associate – 1999-2001
Junior civil and criminal litigation lawyer with interest in intellectual property and information technology law. Diverse litigation practice also included telecommunications law, judicial review, accident claims, criminal prosecution, and Companies Act cases. Co-authored firm’s best-selling “Your Guide to E-commerce Law in Singapore”

Dispute Resolution
While not a core focus of Consigclear, our founder has handled a range of contentious disputes on behalf of clients, including appearing in various Singapore courts and tribunals ranging from the Court of Appeal, the High Court, the State Courts, the Trade Mark Registry, the Singapore Mediation Centre, to the Strata Titles Board, in both civil and criminal matters. He has also overseen litigation, mediation and arbitration in territories outside of Singapore. We believe that this experience helps us in spotting potential issues in drafting agreements, as well as in managing relationship bumps later.
As an independent IP lawyer with niche experience in Anton Piller / search orders, Adrian has acted several times as a neutral Supervising Solicitor in cases filed by other lawyers, including ones involving computers, forensics and intellectual property, and is available for future engagements.
Sample Publications and Media Coverage
- Co-author, “Halsbury’s Laws of Singapore, Volume 8(3) E-commerce”
- Co-author, Drew & Napier’s best-selling book, “Your Guide to E-Commerce Law in Singapore”
- Contributor, Spring Singapore Legal Guide for SMEs business law guide, “Intellectual Property rights, the law, and you” chapter.
- Published in The Singapore Law Gazette and the Singapore Law Review.
- Interviewed for Channel News Asia’s Talking Point “The HIdden Dangers of Loot Boxes”,
- Quoted in The Straits Times, e.g. “What you need to get your game published”, “DVD pirates’ new tricks”, “Mod chips for game consoles illegal soon”, “Privacy, what privacy?” (Forum), and “Loot Boxes in Video Games : Gaming or Gambling under the Remote Gambling Act?”, etc, in Lianhe Zaobao 联合早报, as well as on,, and other online media.

Sample Speaking Engagements
- “Reality Bytes: Emerging Legal Issues at the Intersection of Real and Virtual Worlds Using Video Games & E-Sports as a Microcosm“, Tech.Law Fest Singapore 2021 (moderator)
- “Lessons Learnt – Best Practices on Digital Lawyering”, Singapore Computer Society Tech3 Forum 2020 (panellist, Legal Track)
- “Legal Issues Facing a Smart Nation“, Tech Law Fest Singapore, 2019 (panellist)
- “The legal side of freelancing: contracts and intellectual property”, trainer, Freelancing 101 Bootcamps (3rd and 4th editions 2018)
- “Legal Issues in Legal Tech“, Tech.Law Fest Singapore, 2018 (panellist)
- “PIXEL MESH – Speaking to Online Content Creators, Game Developers and Tech Innovators”, IMDA PIXEL-Asia Law Network talk, 2018 (speaker)
- “3 (other) times your company ought to call a lawyer”, SEA Summit in conjunction with GameStart Asia 2017
- Singapore Academy of Law-Singapore Corporate Counsel Association Legal Career Forum 2016 (panellist)
- “Home Policies, Foreign Lands: Managing Corruption in Emerging Markets”, Litigation Asia Summit 2013 (panellist)
- “The Information Age: How the law fits in”, Singapore Academy of Law Junior College Law Programme 2012 (panellist)
- “IP & Video Games”, Intellectual Property Office of Singapore IP Champions’ Camp, (speaker)
- “Developments in IP Law Series : Copyright/Registered Designs 2015”, IPOS (panellist)